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Terms of Use

A. keio.jp Terms of Use

The Terms of Use defines the rules that you should observe when using the Keio Single Sign-On System (keio.jp).
Activate your Keio ID only if you agree to the Terms of Use.

keio.jp Terms of Use (PDF)

Take particular note of the following:

  • You are not allowed to lend or give your Keio ID to another party.
    You must not lend your account to others or borrow another's account.

  • Keep your account confidential and do not tell anyone your password.
    Do not choose easy-to-guess passwords.

  • Avoid behavior that might interfere with the operation of keio.jp.
    Avoid committing acts that Keio University might deem to be inappropriate.

  • If Keio University determines that your behavior violates the Terms of Use,
    it will terminate your authorization without prior notice.

If you have any questions, contact the Help Desk.

Last-Modified: March 13, 2019

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