wireless LAN/WiFi Service (keiomobile2)
It is available to set up and use keiomobile2 only inside of Keio campus.
(You can check the Wi-Fi Password from a network outside Keio.) -
You must have keio ID or ITC account (ua******, ub******, aa******) to obtain the Wi-Fi password for wifi connection.
Process to set up keiomoble2
Using keio ID issue or Using ITC account issue
Before go to step 2, make sure that your Wi-Fi password is issued.
Revising wireless LAN connection settings
It is not necessary to renew the wireless LAN setting annually, however your ITC account or Keio ID has to be active.
Keep your operating system and firmware up-to-date via Windows Update or the update service that applies to your device.
Your password can be used on other computers or devices for setting keiomobile2.
Use the latest version of drivers for your wireless network adapter.
Otherwise you may have some troubles to connect to keiomobile2 even if < keiomobile2x > or < keiomobile2 > appear on your screen. -
If the device on which you set up keiomobile2 by password authentication method is lost or stolen, change or stop your Wi-Fi password immediately.
If you fail to change or stop your Wi-Fi password, the lost or stolen device might be used for unauthorized access to the network.
After changing or stopping your Wi-Fi password, the device can no longer connect to the network through keiomobile2.
Last-Modified: April 8, 2023
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