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Checklist for handling the discontinuation of the old format Keio ID

Please check if each of the following items applies to you, and take the appropriate action.
*Some of the measures may take time, and some may require a period of time to be completed (reflected). For this reason, we recommend that you start as soon as possible.

  • The old format Keio ID and e-mail address (e.g. keiotaro@xx.keio.jp) is described below as "the old format ID" and the new format Keio ID (Keio Apps ID) and e-mail address (e.g. keiotaro@keio.jp) as "the new format ID".
  • The old format mailing list address (e.g. keiotaro@ml.keio.jp) is described as "the old format list" and the new format mailing list address (e.g. keiotaro-group@keio.jp) is described as "the new format group" below.
  • If YES to each item, please refer to the example* of how to respond listed under "→".
    This is only an example of how to respond and does not indicate the only way.

  1. Are you using the old format ID for keio.jp login?
    → Yes.
    From now on, please change to the new format ID when logging in to keio.jp.
    If you do not know the new format ID, please check it by referring to "Keio Apps ID: ID confirmation method"(on-campus or keio.jp authentication).

  2. When sending an e-mail, are the address (from:) and the signature with the old format ID?
    → Yes.
    Please change the settings in your Webmail or e-mail software to change the address (from:) and signature of the e-mail sent to the new format ID. For details on how to change the settings, please refer to "Changing the E-mail Sender/Signature".

  3. Do you have an e-mail to yourself with the old format ID?
    Please inform those who contact you with the old format ID that your e-mail addresses have been changed (to the new format ID instead of the old one).

  4. Are you subscribed to any mailing lists with the old format ID?
    → Yes.
    Please change your mailing list address to the new format ID.
    (e.g.) Keio Taro (old format ID: keiotaro@a2.keio.jp) is registered to the research mailing list: magazine@merumaga.test.com.
    Ask the administrator of magazine@merumaga.test.com to change the registered address to the new format ID: keiotaro@keio.jp (if there is a web site for the change, do the change from the web site).
  5. Do you have a mailing list that you maintain?
    → Yes.
    Check to see if the old format ID is included among the members of the mailing list. If so, please change to the new format ID.
    To check the new format ID, please also use "Keio ID - Keio Apps ID conversion".
    (e.g.) Keio Hanako-san is managing the mailing list: grp@xxxx.ac.jp.
    Keio Hanako-san checks the addresses registered in grp@xxxx.ac.jp for the old format ID, and changes the addresses found to the new format ID.
  6. Do any of your mailing lists end in @ml.keio.jp?
    → Yes.
    If you are not sure, please check by referring to "Confirmation of availability of old format mailing list". If you are using the old format list, please inform the user of the mailing list that you will change to the new format group.
  7. Are you using the old format ID for login ID (user name) for external services or contact e-mail addresses?
    → Yes.
    Please change your login ID (user name) and contact address (from the old format ID to the new format ID) on the respective services.
    (e.g.) Since you have registered the old format ID as your user name for the online purchase site for purchasing research materials, change your user name to a different address from the web page of the purchase site (or ask the contact person of the site to change your user name).

  8. Do you use the old format ID for your e-mail forwarding address at another e-mail address you are using?
    → Yes.
    Please change your mail forwarding address settings (change from the old format ID to the new format ID).

  9. Do you have the old format ID on your web page, business card, paper contact book, etc.?
    → Yes.
    Please change to the new format ID.

  10. Do you use the old format ID or the old format list as the address for sending e-mails?
    → Yes.
    • Please make sure to use the new format ID or the new format group from now on.
      (e.g.) Since you are sending mail to Keio Taro-san (address: keiotaro@a2.keio.jp ), change his mailing address to the new format ID (keiotaro@keio.jp) from now on. Also, since you are sending e-mail to the mailing list (address: keiotaro@ml.keio.jp ), change the address to keiotaro-group@keio.jp from now on.
    • Please check whether the contacts (address book) of your e-mail software (including Webmail and e-mail applications) includes the old format ID and the old format list, and if so, change it.
      For details on how to check and change the contact information, please refer to "How to change the contact information when sending e-mail".
    • From now on, please be careful not to use the old format IDs or old format lists in the autocomplete function* of your e-mail software (including Webmail and e-mail applications) when sending e-mails.
      For more information on the autocomplete function, please refer to "Reference: About autocomplete".
      When composing an e-mail message, this function automatically completes the e-mail address based on the candidates when you type in the middle of the e-mail address.

Last-Modified: August 19, 2024

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