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FAQ (Password related)
What I can do when I forget the password necessary for logging in on a PC at an KIC?
Visit Hiyoshi Information Technology Center with your ID. A student should bring the student ID and a faculty member should bring a driving license, health insurance ID or passport. It must be done in person and not by deputy.
Note: You can also find your user ID when you forget your ITC account information at the place.
Undergraduates can refer to the ITC account user ID from keio.jp.Please refer to here for the method.
How can I change the password used for login to a PC at an KIC?
If you forget the password for keio.jp (Single Sign-On System)
Visit Hiyoshi Information Technology Center with your ID. A student should bring the student ID and a faculty member should bring a driving license, health insurance ID or passport. It must be done in person and not by deputy.
Note: You can also find your Keio ID at Hiyoshi Information Technology Center.
Password does not apply ・ Authentication fails
Is not it a typing mistake?
Please try re-entering not only the password but also the user name.
Is Caps Lock, Num Lock, etc. enabled?
Especially on a notebook PC, it may be locked before you notice it.
Do you use the "ITC account" to log in to the computer installed by KIC?
With "keio.jp" password, you can not log in to the installed PC.Instead, you will need the ITC account and its password.For ITC account,please refer to here
Last-Modified: October 20, 2023
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