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Installing a Network Certificate (Linux)
Connecting to keiomobile2
From the Networks icon in the upper-right corner of the screen, select keiomobile2.
The Wireless Network Authentication Required dialog box appears.
Set Wireless Security to WPA & WPA2 Enterprise.
Set Authentication to TLS.
In the Anonymous Identity field, type your keio.jp user ID.
Select the downloaded certificate as the private key file.
In the Private Key Password field, type the passphrase of the certificate.
Click Connect. -
If the message "No Certificate Authority certificate chosen" appears, click Ignore.
The message "keiomobile2 Connection Established" should appear.
- The message "No Certificate Authority certificate chosen" might appear repeatedly. -
Launch your Web browser.
- The certificate will expire at the end of the academic year. Renew it manually when it expires.
Last-Modified: March 28, 2012
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