Changes of usage environment for the Computer Rooms
From the spring semester of 2023, the usage of the computer rooms on Hiyoshi campus has changed as below.
Points of change
- Room DB110 is used as a PC classroom not as a PC study area.
- Classrooms with two printers operating in one classroom are to be with one printer operation.
The method of remote login to the Faculty of Science and Technology class server has changed.
ref. 理工学部授業用サーバへのリモートログイン方法について (Japanese article) -
The following installation software has changed.
- Visual Studio Professional → Visual Studio Community
- JMP → JMP Pro
The following software has finished installing.
- Becky! Internet Mail, Webex, Intel Visual Fortran Composer XE 2017, Eviews
For the latest information of the installation environment for computers and printers, please click here.
Last-Modified: April 25, 2023
The content ends at this position.