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About Microsoft 365 Storage Capacity Limit

Due to changes in capacity limits for Microsoft 365 for Education storage services (OneDrive, etc.), the limit on the amount of space used per person will be reduced starting April 2025.

Faculty and students
User name: xxxx@keio.jp
Usage on staff's office PC environment is a separate tenant, so it is not subject to this change.
Storage Capacity Limit
Until the end of March 2025: 1TB
After April 2025: 50 GB (*)
If you are using OneDrive, etc. beyond 50GB, you will not be able to place new files after April 2025.
If you are using more than 50GB, please delete or migrate your data.How to check your usage capacity.
(*) Capacity will be increased or decreased based on future usage.
How to check usage
Access OneDrive with a web browser.
The used capacity will be displayed in the lower left corner of the screen.
Reason for change in usage capacity
Microsoft had offered academic institutions unlimited storage service capacity for tenants, with a storage capacity limit of 1TB for each user, but due to changes in Microsoft specifications, the total storage capacity for the entire tenant will now be limited.

[Reference] https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/education/products/microsoft-365-storage-options

Last-Modified: January 9, 2025

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