Notes for updating to Windows 11
New version of Windows11 is released on November, 2021.
By updating the OS to a new version, the software and services you have been using may not work properly.
The Antivirus software ESET requires a supported version. For more information, please click here.
Windows 11 への対応について(Canon IT Solutions Inc. page)
The academic software EndNote will inform you to wait to upgrade your OS until the new OS compatible version is available.
EndNote Topics (USACO Corporation's page)
※ Please refer to "2021.10.19【EndNote】Windows 11 と EndNote の互換性について"
Other software and IPP printing on campus may not work properly.
Depending on the software and services you are using, it may take some time to check the operation and support on the new OS. We recommend that you do not update to a new version of the OS immediately after the release, but check the compatibility with the software and services you are using.
Last-Modified: November 29, 2021
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