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Method of saving data on a Windows PC

The following are precautions necessary to save data on a Windows PC in a PC room.

  • Please do not save files or folders (directories) on a desktop or D drive.

    You can temporarily use a desk top or D drive, but please be careful to remember that after shutting down, these files cannot be saved.
    (Files saved on a desk top are saved for 24 hours, only on the PC where a save operation was executed. There may, therefore, be cases where data remains after you log onto the PC again, but this is not guaranteed.
    You can save the data on a USB flash memory of your own.
    Basically, you cannot make personal settings. (Excluding some setting information)

  • Please save files on a Z drive..

    If files are saved on a Z drive, even after moving it to another PC, you can use it on the other PC.

Last-Modified: February 10, 2023

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